What Foods Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

February 15, 2022

The removal of your wisdom teeth is a recommended surgical procedure either when it will help you avoid future complications, such as overcrowding and direct damage to the teeth next to them, or when they begin to cause pain due to impaction. If you’ve been scheduled for wisdom teeth extraction, you may be wondering how you’re supposed to go about eating and drinking after surgery. Let’s tackle this with a list of foods you can eat after your procedure.

What Foods Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Right After The Removal: Liquid & Soft Foods Only

Immediately following your wisdom teeth extraction surgery, only eat and drink liquid or soft foods. This will cut down on the amount of chewing you would otherwise have to do, and it will prevent pain, discomfort, and potential complications. Foods you can eat right away include:

  • Blended soups. Consume lukewarm or cold soups that do not contain any pieces that would irritate the surgical site. Soups are filled with vitamins and minerals, and are a great way to stay hydrated.
  • Broths. Broths are filled with vitamins and minerals, are a great way to stay hydrated, and may help reduce your inflammation.
  • Greek yogurt. Is a creamy, smooth texture that can be soothing, while providing you with high levels of protein, calcium, and zinc.
  • Mashed potatoes (any kind). These are rich in calories and nutrients, and all you need is a small serving. Plus, they are a very comforting food to consume.
  • Applesauce. Applesauce provides a good boost of vitamin C, which aids in wound healing and can boost your immune system.
  • Mashed bananas. Bananas are fantastic to consume as they are easy to chew, very easy to swallow, and contain vitamin B6 (energy), potassium, manganese, and folate.
  • Puréed fruits and vegetables. This is the best way to get your fruits and vegetables in. Just make sure to choose fruits without seeds (no strawberries or blackberries).
  • Ice cream (with no nuts, candy, or hard pieces). Not only is ice cream comforting, but the coolness of it can help with your inflammation and provide a very soothing experience.
  • Jello, and pudding. Requires no chewing, and is a great treat or snack.
  • Smoothies (no nuts, seeds, or hard pieces). These are very easy to put together, are highly customizable, and can be loaded up with proteins, veggies, fruits, and Greek yogurt to help with recovery.
  • Flaky meats like salmon. The healthy fats in salmon can help reduce inflammation, and salmon is very soft and easy to chew.
  • Lukewarm coffee and tea. Yes, you can still have your coffee or tea, just not at piping hot levels.
  • Water. Stay hydrated to help boost your recovery and fend off dehydration.

After the first 24 hours have passed, this list can be expanded to include food items like: scrambled eggs, instant oatmeal, pancakes, hummus, and soft pastas. You may enjoy soft fruits like melons, peaches, or baked apple slices. Just make sure that when consuming liquids, you do not use a straw, as the pressure from the straw can dislodge the blood clot(s) at the extraction site.

Why You Must Avoid Hard Foods

The reason soft and liquid foods are recommended over hard foods, is because hard foods can dislodge the blood clot(s) that form to protect your gums while they heal. If the clot(s) become dislodged, the nerves and bone underneath can become exposed, leading to delayed healing and potentially a dry socket.

The Key Takeaway

The main thing we tell our patients, here at Tampa Palms Dentistry, is to choose nutrient-rich, soft-textured foods as these will help with your recovery, and prevent you from experiencing any further discomfort. If you have any questions about wisdom teeth extraction, or want to know more about the recovery process, please contact us today, or give us a call at (813) 333-1922.

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